In celebration of Earth Day, we’ve highlighted the environmental benefits of natural grass, especially its role in carbon sequestration, oxygen production, and contributing to a truly green way of life. To ensure that natural turfgrass is produced in the most eco-friendly way, Sodstar follows blue tag certification methods.
Natural Turfgrass and Blue-Tag Certification: Environmental Considerations
Blue tag certification in turfgrass provides environmental benefits by ensuring that the turfgrass meets strict standards for quality so end users receive the sustainable characteristics of the variety they are purchasing. Turfgrass varietals are grown using environmentally responsible practices, such as minimal water usage, reduced fertilizer and pesticide application, and proper soil management techniques. Using certified turfgrass can help turf managers meet environmental regulations and sustainability goals by promoting the use of varietals that require less water, like our drought-friendly TifTuf Bermuda, or less fertilizer and pesticides, like our Zeon and Prizm Zoysias. Additionally, blue tag certification means that the turfgrass has been scientifically proven to perform well in its specific environment. This can lead to better turf quality, improved playability, and reduced maintenance requirements over time.
Top Natural Turfgrass Environmental Benefits

- Carbon sequestration: Natural turfgrass plays a crucial role in this process, by absorbing CO2 during photosynthesis and storing it in the soil through root systems. This helps reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, mitigating the effects of climate change.
- Oxygen Production: Through photosynthesis, grass absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and releases oxygen, helping improve air quality. A 50’x50′ lawn can produce enough oxygen for a family of four. Grass also helps reduce air pollution by trapping dust and absorbing other pollutants, further improving our air quality.
- Thriving Ecosystems: Healthy lawns provide habitats for various wildlife, whose ecosystems support biodiversity and maintain ecological balance.
- Additional Benefits: Natural turfgrass, when used in landscaping, lawns, athletic fields, or golf courses, acts as a natural filter to prevent pollutants from reaching groundwater sources. In addition, the root systems of grasses help prevent soil erosion, keeping the soil in place and preserving its quality.
This Earth Day, consider the environmental benefits of natural grass and choose SodStar’s blue tag-certified turfgrass for your golf, landscape, or lawn projects. By supporting sustainable practices, you can help protect the planet for future generations. Browse our varietals here.